I always thought of "Friends" as a show that did huge numbers, audience-wise, but didn't get much respect as far as awards were concerned. I'm not so much surprised that Courtney Cox didn't win an EMMY as I am surprised that all the others did. Well, I actually remembered LINNAEUS's name, which was a high point for me, a (historically) scientifically-challenged individual. I then pieced together the SW and, after a small wrestling match with ALDO, put the NE to bed as well. So I basically mowed a diagonal through the grid, NW to SE. I hate the term LIFE HACKS (the way I hate the term "adulting"), but it's not bad as crossword fill ( 44A: Using frozen grapes as ice cubes and binder clips as cable organizers, e.g.). Best answer of the day, imho, although it might be more accurate to say it was the first half of the best one-two combo: I went BURNER ACCOUNT / DISCO ANTHEMS. Brain wanted BURNER PHONE for a split second, but it wouldn't fit so bam, BURNER ACCOUNT. BURNER ACCOUNT was the one answer that really did fly across the grid ( 29A: Means of making untraceable social media posts). Mmm, CINNAMON TOAST (though, again, I had some ? about what the second part of the answer would be: ROLLS? BUNS? Gah). Just not much, and certainly not a lot after I got my teeth into that creamy middle. So maybe the puzzle wasn't *too* easy after all. the second part would have some more specific meaning, some poetry meaning, like SLAM or something. WATCH? I CAN'T WATCH! That's what I'd say!. I had "I CAN'T." and all I could think of was ". Actually, if I'm being honest, I didn't nail both those answers at first blush. "Crosswordese at 1-Across! OH GOD!" But then whoosh went " I CAN'T LOOK" and whoosh went AMATEUR NIGHT and off I went. And this puzzle started with AT SEA, which is, let's say, not auspicious. Could've endured (and might've appreciated) a bit more resistance, but I'll just count myself lucky that I got to experience the zoom and the zoom and the cascade of long bright answers and the all-over section-to-section flow that makes Fridays. This was very nearly a textbook Friday, if by "textbook" we mean "my ideal." It's possible that it was a little too easy-the only thing that gave me any real pause was trivia, mainly that ALDO guy.